Enqueue Different Stylesheet in wordpress depending on user input via meta box

I am creating a wordpress plugin from which user can select different styles from the plugin options panel. I want to enqueue css file via wp_enqueue_style() according to the user input.

I am getting error when I want to get the metabox value inside the plugins php file.

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Error Says:

Calling undefined variable $... on line no ..."

Is there any way I can get the value of the metabox inside php file and enqueue the appropiate css file according to the user input on dashboard.

I am using Custom-Metaboxes-and-Fields-for-WordPress plugin to retrieve user input from plugin option panel for this purpose

My code:

function easyloader_theme() {
    global $post;
    $theme = easyloader_get_option( 'easyloader_theme' );

    wp_register_style('easyloader_style', plugins_url('themes/pace-theme-'. $theme .'.css',__FILE__),'','1.0.0.', false);
add_action( 'init', 'easyloader_theme');

I can easily get value of this user input in any when I paste this code in themes php file like (header.php, page.php, footer.php ) via

<?php global $post; $theme = easyloader_get_option( 'easyloader_theme' ); echo $theme; ?>

I just want to get the value inside my plugin php file not in the theme file.

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  1. The proper way to enqueue is with the following action:

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'easyloader_theme' );
    function easyloader_theme() { 
        /* Enqueue Scripts AND Styles */ 

    Looks like the plugin has some internal cache, but at the end you can try using WP function directly:

    get_option( 'easyloader_theme' );