I have front end ACF form that holds a Select2 field. I need to repopulate that field with ajax response.
I tried changing the underlying select and input[type=”hidden”] values but when I call trigger(‘change’) on the hidden field it doesn’t seem to update the Select2 state.
This is the relevant part of the ajax handler code:
var $options = "";
var new_val = [];
$.each(resp.sa_ext_features, function(i,v){
$options = $options + '<option value="'+v.term_id+'" selected="selected" data-i="'+i+'">'+v.name+'</option>';
console.log($acf_row.find('[data-name="sq_solution_features"] input[type="hidden"]').val());
$acf_row.find('[data-name="sq_solution_features"] input[type="hidden"]').val(new_val.join('||')).trigger('change');
console.log($acf_row.find('[data-name="sq_solution_features"] input[type="hidden"]').val());