dynamic external javascript generated using php

How to write an external javascript file with dynamic variable values generated using php from wp db values?

So instead of using wp_localize_script for inline js variables, I’d like to use wp_enqueue_script with $src pointing to this php file acting like external js.

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So far, on the external js using php, the content as follow:

Header("content-type: application/x-javascript");
$params = array(
  'timezone_string'           => get_option( 'timezone_string' ),
  'jump_to_top'           => __( 'Jump to top' ),
echo "$timezone_string $jump_to_top;

When viewing page source, the external script file is listed correctly, but clicking on the external file link, it takes me to home page. I added wp-load.php, still the same.

How to do this correctly?

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