Does Joomla have shortcodes like WordPress?

In wordpress we have shortcodes that let us place info inside html without using any programming like php or javascript. That’s a great feature, as it allow us to be safer when we need to do simple things.

Example (Not real, just an example!), let’s say I have the following text The current user is [myusername], and is allowed to do all sort of things in the website. inserted in WYSIWYG editor, while editing an article, then I save and open the article on the site’s frontpage, here’s what I get:

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The current user is admin, and is allowed to do all sort of things
in the website.

Get it?

I wonder if joomla has something like that too. Any ideas?

UPDATE: The only shortcodes I know in Joomla are template related and are for styling only.

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1 comment

  1. Natively Joomla! (3.4) doesn’t implement shortcode in content input.

    However, you can easily add this feature with an extension. If you google something like “joomla extension shortcode” you will find multiple solutions. Shortcode Ultimate seems to be what you are looking for.

    Moreover, some extensions propose their own shortcode system (for example the excellent component for newsletter, Acymailing) for their particular purpose.

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