docker 1.7 multiple port mapping at run failure


Ubuntu 14.04 LTS – Docker 1.7 – Virtual Interface with its own IP specfically for use with Docker.

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Running WordPress Latest with linked MySQL 5.7 each with their own data containers.

I need to map ports 80 & 443 to the WordPress container to enforce SSL site wide.

This run string works perfectly:

docker run --name Web --link db-server:mysql -d -e WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=WP -e WORDPRESS_DB_USER=admin -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=somepassword -p --volumes-from wp-data wordpress

When I run this string I get an error:

docker run --name Web --link db-server:mysql -d -e WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=WP -e WORDPRESS_DB_USER=admin -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=somepassword -p —p volumes-from wp-data wordpress:latest

Error message:

Unable to find image ‘—p:latest’ locally
Invalid repository name (—p), only [a-z0-9-_.] are allowed

I have read the Docker documentation and Googled for this issue and from everything I have found this should work. Is there something I am missing or is this not possible in 1.7?

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