I have an AJAX callback function inside my functions.php
file, which displays posts in a specific category.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_ajaxified_function', 'ajaxified_function' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_ajaxified_function', 'ajaxified_function' );
function ajaxified_function()
$post = get_post($_POST['post_id']);
$feat_image = get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID);
$desc_values = get_post_custom_values("designation",$post->ID);
$title = current(explode(' ', get_the_title($post->ID)));
if( is_array( $desc_values ) )
foreach($desc_values as $key => $value );
$email_values = get_post_custom_values("email",$post->ID);
if( is_array( $email_values ) )
foreach($email_values as $key => $email_value );
echo '<div id="bloggers_avatar">'.$feat_image.'</div>'.$post->post_.'<div id="bloggers_title">'.$post->post_title.'</div><div id="bloggers_desig">'.$value.'</div><div id="emailid" ><a class="email_link">Email '.$title.'</a></div><br/><div id="postContent">'.$post->post_content.'</div>';
echo '<script>
echo '<div style="display:none">
<div id="email_id_meet_the_team">
echo do_shortcode('[contact-form-7 id="698" title="Meet The Team Email"]');
echo '</div>
When I use this its just echoing the shortcode instead of showing the contact form.
I am working on local now. I have a demo which just uses just the ajax, not the colorbox.
You can see a Email link in the biography div. On clicking on that link I want to show a colorbox with the contact form.
The How
It would be much better and easier if you’d just add the script directly to the main body instead of the AJAX call.
The same goes with the shortcode result. Just use the shortcode as argument inside
:Then – inside your jQuery AJAX handler, do whatever you need to do – for e.g. insert the Contact Form.
You now should have access to the rendered Form inside your AJAX callback, but as well inside your JavaScript AJAX handler.
The Why
IIRC your problem is that AJAX requests are always admin requests – even when public. And as there’s no output of shortcodes on admin pages, there’s nothing than a string return value as well.
Rule: Never try to run shortcodes inside AJAX or Admin requests.
Additional notes: