I’ve just started to work with WordPress and trying to create a Micro-Blogging Site like twitter. I’ve installed P2 theme. It’s working fine.we can post our statuses like tweets and all.
Now the problem where I am stuck is that:-
As soon as any user logs into the site( I am running it on my localhost and had created users on my own from backend) he/she can see all the posts and tweets of all other users.
So I tried to make few groups and assign several users to each of the groups.
Since I am totally new to WP I searched for may plugins which can allow me to create group and assign members , So that the user from a particular group can see the posts and tweets of the users of that same group.
But I am unable to find out any such plugin(or it might be that I am unable to use the plugins which I found through googling around).
So please can anyone help me to get around this problem.
I would really appreciate any kind of help.
This site had a Buddypress theme that integrated with P2 so that you could use BP’s group functionality with P2 but it seems to be down and the other mirrors to this project are also down.
However there are workarounds that couple BP’s Groups functionality with plugins to clone Twitter with hashtags and followers and the private groups you desire. See this for an example which I think should work for you.
Remember NOT to disable groups, contrary to what the post suggests.