I’m working on a WP site with Visual Composer.
In the homepage I’ve inserted a “Post Grid” element which load a specific custom post type.
This custom post has multiple custom fields (made with Advanced Custom Fields Plugin): one of these fields is an image.
This Post Grid uses a custom grid to display these custom fields.
When I preview the page, it displays correctly the post thumb (the post featured image), some text custom fields, but the secondary image (created with a custom field) displays only text (in the specific the Array Object or ID of the image).
How can I render the image? Is it possible to insert some code for that custom field (ex. the omg html tag) to avoid the text render?
Thanks in advance,
I got this issue too.
Open the file js_composerincludeclassesvendorspluginsacfclass-vc-gitem-acf-shortcode.php
And put this code: before the return, and you can comment the original return:
This work for the image field, you can make more elses to others types of fields.
You can see my file and some info here: https://github.com/ramonMontanhes/visualcomposer-acf
Open the file js_composerincludeclassesvendorspluginsacfclass-vc-gitem-acf-shortcode.php
And put this code: before the return, and you can comment the original return:
Are you sure you are using exact code to fetch Image from Advance custom field option ?
Here is the exact code which you needed:
Just replace this id with your own field id and it will become like shown below:
Hope, it makes sense, if you still need any assistance let me know. Thanks