Delete all one-word comments

I’m trying to delete all wordpress comments with only one word. I found this mysql query to delete all comments at once, but that’s not what I want to achieve:

DELETE FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_approved = '0'

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  1. DISCLAIMER : Not a WordPress Developer, Just a MySQL DBA

    If you have privileges to login to MySQL and query data you could collect all the comment_ID values that have one word.

    SELECT comment_ID FROM wp_comments WHERE
    REPLACE(TRIM(comment_content),' ','')=TRIM(comment_content);

    You can test this by also seeing the comment_content

    SELECT comment_ID,comment_content FROM wp_comments WHERE
    REPLACE(TRIM(comment_content),' ','')=TRIM(comment_content);

    Using the WordPress API, retrieve those comment_ID values and delete them.

    Give it a Try !!!


    Other posts have been given for bulk deleting of comments (none of these are my posts):