Default state (Add options) overrides my update options?

I have a check box inside my admin page and the code looks like this (this code works and i can toggle my check box off and on and able to save changes)


function my_default_checkbox_settings_function(){
    $options = get_option('override_theme_display_options');
    if(isset($options['my_checkbox_default'])) { 
        $checked = 'checked'; 
    } else { 
        $checked = '';
    update_option('my_checkbox_default', $checked);
    echo "<input type='checkbox' name='override_theme_display_options[my_checkbox_default']' ".$checked." id='my_checkbox_default' />";

Now I want to add default state “checked” to my check box.

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So my check box setting function looks like this:

function my_default_checkbox_settings_function(){
    $options = get_option('override_theme_display_options');
    //Added default state "checked" to my check box
    add_option('my_checkbox_default',$checked = 'checked');
    if(isset($options['my_checkbox_default'])) { 
        $checked = 'checked'; 
    } else { 
        $checked = ''; 
    update_option('my_checkbox_default', $checked);
    echo "<input type='checkbox' name='override_theme_display_options[my_checkbox_default']' ".$checked." id='my_checkbox_default' />";

My check box now has “checked” state as default , but now I can’t toggle my check box off and on anymore (it stays “checked” all the time no matter what I do), if I comment out my add_option() obliviously my default “checked” state will not be set but I will be able to toggle and save my check box states again.

How can I add “checked” state by default and still be able to toggle and save options for my check box?

I will be more than happy to add 50 bounty for solving this. THX!

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  1. If this is a plugin, you need to set the option for the first time with register_activation_hook. If a theme, use after_setup_theme.

    There’s an alternative technique for run_once described in this WPSE Answer that works quite well too.

    Here’s a working example loosely based on yours and some Codex samples using run_once. Note the use of the function checked().

    add_action('admin_init', function() 
        // Change the "init_*" to anything else to `run_once` again
        if ( wpse_25643_run_once('init_checkbox_default') ) 
            add_option('my_checkbox_default', true );
    function my_default_checkbox_settings_function() 
            "<input name='my_checkbox_default' id='gv_thumbnails_insert_into_excerpt' type='checkbox' value='1' class='code' %s /> Explanation text",
            checked( 1, get_option('my_checkbox_default'), false )
    function wpse_25643_run_once( $key )
        $test_case = get_option( 'run_once' );
        if ( isset( $test_case[$key] ) && $test_case[$key] )
            return false;
            $test_case[$key] = true;
            return true;