Date in the URL with The Events Calendar

I am somewhat of a WordPress beginner so please excuse any ignorance.

I have installed the plugin The Events Calendar ( and it works pretty much perfectly. One issue I have is the URL format for an event, which based on the URL slug is /upcoming-event/[event title]/. If I have multiple events of the same name, the URL looks like /upcoming-event/[event title]-2/.

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This is undesirable, I would prefer to have URLs more like that possible with posts /upcoming-event/[year]/[month]/[event title]. On a whim, I attempted to copy in the format used for posts /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/ but alas, no luck.

I had a quick check to make sure it wasn’t a PRO feature but it doesn’t appear to be. So does anyone know if this is possible somehow?

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  1. You could just try to change the slug to the value you need for each event. The problem arises if you have the same event twice (or more) in the same month though. You will need to create a new title for the event.

    you can try this plug-in:

    It might help you with changing the permalink structure for the events so you wont need to keep changing the slugs when you create events. But I don’t think that will help with removing the number after the event title as that is the way WP core works for duplicate posts. has a pretty good support team have you posted the question there?