Customising WordPress Color Picker

Is there any way to customize the WordPress 3.8 color picker (on the custom field types) to use only colors i will define?

I need to have only 6 colors for a client, but they do not want to have all those colors, apart from 6 gradient colors.

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Will be greatful for any help… I have been trying to do it for several days, but no positive solution:(

Thank you

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  1. WordPress 3.5+ uses the Iris colorpicker which has several options available for use.

    When initializing the object just assign the palettes option with an array of colors.

    var colorOptions = {
        // show a group of common colors beneath the square
        // or, supply an array of colors to customize further
        palettes: ['#4444,44','#ff2255','#559999','#99CCFF','#00c1e8','#F9DE0E','#111111','#EEEEDD']
  2. If your using TinyMCE editor you can modify the color palette like so.

    function my_mce4_options( $init ) {
        $custom_colours = '
            "e14d43", "Color 1 Name",
            "d83131", "Color 2 Name",
            "ed1c24", "Color 3 Name",
            "f99b1c", "Color 4 Name",
            "50b848", "Color 5 Name",
            "00a859", "Color 6 Name"
        $init['textcolor_map'] = '['.$custom_colours.']';
        // Set number of color rows
        $init['textcolor_rows'] = 3;
        // Set number of color columns
        $init['textcolor_cols'] = 2
        return $init;
    add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'my_mce4_options');
  3. We need to wp_enqueue_script the script and wp_enqueue_style the style with add_action to the functions.php file. Just include a jQuery file and stylesheet file by this script.

    // Register Scripts & Styles in Admin panel
    function custom_color_picker_scripts() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' );
    wp_enqueue_script( 'iris', admin_url( 'js/iris.min.js' ), array( 'jquery-ui-draggable', 'jquery-ui-slider', 'jquery-touch-punch' ), false, 1 );
    wp_enqueue_script( 'cp-active', plugins_url('/js/cp-active.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), '', true );
    add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', custom_color_picker_scripts);

    Now create a new javascript file as like cp-active.js and keep it avobe defined “/js/cp-active.js” file path using bellows code.

    // or in the data-default-color attribute on the input
    defaultColor: true,
    // a callback to fire whenever the color changes to a valid color
    change: function(event, ui){},
    // a callback to fire when the input is emptied or an invalid color
    clear: function() {},
    // hide the color picker controls on load
    hide: true,
    // show a group of common colors beneath the square
    palettes: true

    Add a textbox to your settings page with a CSS class for the color picker, where you want to dispaly the input text. I have use “color_code” for input $variable.

    <input id="color_code" class="color-picker" name="color_code" type="text" value="" />

    Please see more details on Add jQuery Color Picker WordPress Theme or Plugin

  4. Here’s a quick & dirty solution:

    1. Go to wp-admin/js/iris.min.js
    2. Search the palette colors there (about 1/3 from the beginning of the file). I found this:
    3. Replace these defaults with your own custom colors. I left black and white and then added our brand colors instead of #d33 and the rest.
    4. Upload to server.

    Works for now. But haven’t tried yet if this survives the next WordPress update.