I am creating a custom WordPress plugin based on Boilerplate generator, and work fine. The only thing issue that to every frontend page that i display data from the plugin through a shortcode, at the end of the page, i get the number 1.
It seems that something produced that number but i searched all the files line by line and i cannot find what is producing it.
My hands up…i really cannot find what causes this 1 to be in each public page.
I suspect that it may is produced by
$this->loader->add_action( 'test-plugin', $plugin_public, 'display_front_page' );
add_shortcode( 'test-plugin', array( $plugin_public, 'display_front_page') );
This produces the shortcode [test-plugin] that it displayes the data from the function display_front_page
Any idea what causes that 1 to be displayed at the end of the page??