Please see below the filter I am using to change the upload directory for my custom post-type.
My custom post-type name is ‘download’
My new directory for uploads in my custom post-type ‘download’ is now… wp-content/downloads/
The problem is in doing this, is that I my image thumbnails are missing because the attachment meta data is looking for the thumbnail in the original directory wp-content/uploads/.
How can I adjust my filter or fix the problem so the attachment data for this custom post-type only uses the new directory wp-content/downloads/
Thanks is advance for any advice or help.
add_filter( 'upload_dir', 'my_custom_upload_dir' );
function my_custom_upload_dir( $default_dir ) {
if ( ! isset( $_POST['post_id'] ) || $_POST['post_id'] < 0 )
return $default_dir;
if ( get_post_type( $_POST['post_id'] ) != 'download' )
return $default_dir;
$dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/downloads';
$url = WP_CONTENT_URL . '/downloads';
$bdir = $dir;
$burl = $url;
$subdir = '';
if ( get_option( 'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders' ) ) {
$time = current_time( 'mysql' );
$y = substr( $time, 0, 4 );
$m = substr( $time, 5, 2 );
$subdir = "/$y/$m";
$dir .= $subdir;
$url .= $subdir;
$custom_dir = array(
'path' => $dir,
'url' => $url,
'subdir' => $subdir,
'basedir' => $bdir,
'baseurl' => $burl,
'error' => false,
return $custom_dir;
you could make custom posttype templates, and in those code custom get attachmentfunctions.
this custom code could look for the post_meta key: _wp_attached_file.