Custom Taxonomy Tree view

I have been trying google for this, but not so easy to search for. I have a custom hierarchical taxonomy, something along the lines of:

- Electric
- Petrol
- Other
- Electric
- Petrol
- Other

What I need to do is create an index page, retaining the hierarchical structure.

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The closest I have come to doing it is with:

$products = get_terms('product-type');
foreach ($products as $product) {
      $out .= $product->name;

But this just shows the ones in use, and loses it hierarchy 🙁

Any insights are very welcome.

Thanks in advance


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  1. Here is something I whipped up:

    //Walker function
    function custom_taxonomy_walker($taxonomy, $parent = 0)
        $terms = get_terms($taxonomy, array('parent' => $parent, 'hide_empty' => false));
        //If there are terms, start displaying
        if(count($terms) > 0)
            //Displaying as a list
            $out = "<ul>";
            //Cycle though the terms
            foreach ($terms as $term)
                //Secret sauce.  Function calls itself to display child elements, if any
                $out .="<li>" . $term->name . custom_taxonomy_walker($taxonomy, $term->term_id) . "</li>"; 
            $out .= "</ul>";    
            return $out;
    echo custom_taxonomy_walker('category');