I am trying to make a custom Category Display on my side bar and for that I need some way to get both, the category list and the child list in 2 different arrays or something alike…
First, I tried the function get_categories
, but it does not allow me to gather top-level categories only:
$args=array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC');
Then, I moved to wp_list_categories
which does what I want. However, the return does not give me an array of data that I can query. It gives me a simple HTML-formatted list ready to print out:
Is there a way to gather the top
level categories list in a way I can
personalize it as I wish ?For Example:
foreach($category_list as $category) { echo ' <li>'; echo ' <a title="' . sprintf( __( "View all posts in %s" ), $category->cat_name ) . '" href="' . get_category_link($category->cat_ID) . '">' . $category->cat_name . ' (' . $category->cat_ID .') </a>'; echo ' <a onclick="s_toggleDisplay(document.getElementById('CHILD CATS'), this, 'â¼', 'â²');" href="javascript:void(null);">â¼</a>'; echo ' </li>'; }
Why do I want the top-level only ? Because, I wanted to make a show/hide function for the children of the top-level category. If you have another way to accomplish this or suggestion, let me know.
You can skip categories that have parent in your loop:
I’ve looked through the source, but it seems
is only taken in account inwp_list_categories()
and you will probably need to extendWalker_Category
class to custom walker there to make changes to output.Actually, this might be a good idea if you need a really complex categories output format.