I’m wondering if I could make a custom Page title for my Custom Post Type Archive page? Right now I’m using:
<title><?php wp_title( '|', true, 'right' ); ?></title>
For my regular pages, it display what I want, but on my custom post type archive page it displays:
Custom Post Type Name Archive
Is it possible to add a custom page title for just that page?
You can use is_archive conditional code in your header.php to control the title
You can add a filter in the file functions.php of your template.
It modify the archive page meta title of the custom post type ‘myCPT’
Yes and there’s several ways to do it.
Hook it in from your child themes functions file
The above code snippet uses the genesis_before_content hook which you can change to a theme specific hook or a WordPress hook like loop_start.
You can also add support for a custom post type archive settings page in the code which creates the CPT if your theme supports it.
You can use this now
to answer the post
wp docs