CSS3 Pie is a great tool to get some CSS3 stuff rendered in IE. Love it! But integration with WordPress seems to be pretty hard. Here’s the situation:
Html on a page template:
<div class="page_header_text center_shadow">
Function.php: (from http://www.position-relative.com/2011/04/using-css-pie-in-wordpress-themes-updated/ )
global $wp_styles;
wp_enqueue_style( "ie8", "http://dennishunink.nl/ghana/wp/wp-content/themes/ghanavakantie/style/iePie.css", false, $version_identifier, "all");
$wp_styles->add_data( "ie8", 'conditional', 'IE 8' );
The iePie.css:
position: relative;
behavior: url(PIE.htc);
Indeed, the iePie.css file is applied. For example, background:#000; is working. But in a strange way, the PIE.htc file doesn’t.
I tried different relative and absolute paths, uploaded PIE.htc in different locations.
The website is found at http://dennishunink.nl/ghana/wp/ (still developing)
Hopefully someone has an answer, would be very thankful for every suggestion!
Similar to CSS3 and PIE not working in IE 8
I have been having problems applying PIE on another project. If I recall correctly for me, in the end, it turned out to be a combination of specifying the right path, uploading the files in the right place and serving the right document type (with PIE.php).
The path:
I noticed that no matter where the CSS file is uploaded, behavior:url(PIE.php); will always refer to root/PIE.php.
Logically then, I uploaded PIE.php to the root. Along with PIE.htc.
Serving the right document type:
Documented on http://css3pie.com/documentation/known-issues/#content-type
PIE.php loads PIE.htc, serving it with the right document type, as follows:
Hope it helps!