Creating a metabox to upload multiple images, Ignoring The Featured Image

My question is basically identical to this other question here, however my question is still slightly different. I basically have a custom post type called “Packages” each package can have a slideshow with its own images.

I understand the images are uploaded through the media uploader (as per the associated questions chosen answer), however is it possible to only get a list of images attached to the post that AREN’T the featured image?

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My understanding is that the answer given to the other question would get all images including the featured image, does WordPress treat featured images differently in the background so I can exclude them?

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  1. Generally speaking, I would take the approach of querying for post attachments, but withhold the attachment that is the post thumbnail. WP provides a simple way of finding the post thumbnail ID with get_post_thumbnail_id (Codex Ref). To modify the code from the other post, I would add the following parameter to the $args array to withhold the thumbnail attachment from being queried:

    'post__not_in' => array(

    The post__not_in parameter will “Specify post NOT to retrieve.” (Codex Ref)

    To put the whole thing together, the code would look like:

    $args = array(
        'post_type' => 'attachment',
        'numberposts' => null,
        'post_status' => null,
        'post_parent' => $post->ID,
        'post__not_in' => array(
    $attachments = get_posts($args);
    if ($attachments) {
        foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
            echo apply_filters('the_title', $attachment->post_title);
            the_attachment_link($attachment->ID, false);

    In order to further fine tune your queries, I would highly recommend exploring the WP_Query class (Codex Ref). It’s power is only rivaled by its ease of use.