I am using NuSOAP – SOAP Toolkit for PHP to send SOAP request in WordPress Site. But every time I see following error
wsdl error: Getting http://(ServerIPAdress):(Port)/OUGWar/workflow_soap – HTTP ERROR: Couldn’t open socket connection to server, Error (110): Connection Times out
I have tried following solution by searching on the internet and specifically on Stack Overflow but still I am not able to resolve this issue.
Things I have tried so far:
- Increased the Timeout Time from the API
- Open the required ports in my hosting server
- Allowed the Server IP in my Hosting Firewall (mean server IP is whitelisted in my hosting firewall where I am sending SOAP Request)
- Checked through
function is enabled, Safemode is off and all required functions for the api is enabled likefopen();
and other - Verified the WSDL sample with SOAP UI and Its working perfectly there so no problem in creating structure of WSDL Request and calling
Kindly help me if I am still missing something.
I found the answer myself (sharing in case if someone needs it). You need to restart the Fire Wall after white listing IP in the firewall.