I needed to add datalist-support on contact form 7 (version 3.8) text-field.
See: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_datalist.asp
After searching the web without according results I extended the preset pattern for the get_option-function in
with the list-pattern (line 249). Last line of the following code:
$preset_patterns = array(
'date' => '([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|today(.*))',
'int' => '[0-9]+',
'signed_int' => '-?[0-9]+',
'class' => '[-0-9a-zA-Z_]+',
'id' => '[-0-9a-zA-Z_]+',
'list' => '[-0-9a-zA-Z_]+' );
and added the list-attribute (line 49) in the text-module
$atts['list'] = $tag->get_option( 'list', 'list', true );
That solution is actually working. But only until the next update is applied.
Is there a better solution to this problem? (Prior to that change I used an input-text together with a select-box.)
Any hint, help or comment appreciated.