Compare two numeric custom fields

I use Advanced Custom Fields and have a custompost-type “matches”. This post-type contains two fields “goals-made” and “goals-against”.

I want to query wordpress to show only the matches that were won. So where “goals made” > “goals-against”.

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Can anyone help me get started on this one. The goal is to have a statistics page in the end.

Thx a lot for helping me out

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  1. I think something like this, but not tested, and my SQL-foo is rather weak:

        $test = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare(
        SELECT DISTINCT    $wpdb->posts.*
        FROM               $wpdb->posts
        INNER JOIN         $wpdb->postmeta AS mt1 ON (
             wp_posts.ID = $wpdb->postmeta.post_id
        WHERE              $wpdb->postmeta.meta_key = 'goals-made'
        AND(               mt1.meta_key = 'goals-against'
            AND            CAST($wpdb->postmeta.meta_value AS INT) > CAST(mt1.meta_value AS INT)

    This should return a list of post_ids that you can then process. But then again, it might just fail miserably.

  2. If I was in your situation, I’d used a different approach.

    Simply add an hidden meta field automatically when goals_made is updated.


    add_action('updated_postmeta', 'update_goal_made', 20, 4);
    function update_goal_made( $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value ) {
      if ( $meta_key != 'goals-made') return; // run only when update meta 'goals-made'
      // get the goals-against for post
      $against = get_post_meta($object_id, 'goals-against', true) ? : 1;
      // if 'goals-made' > 'goals-against' create/update a field '_goals-won' setted to 1
      if ( intval($_meta_value) > intval($against) ) {
        update_post_meta($object_id, '_goals-won', '1');
      } else {
        // if not delete '_goals-won' post meta (if exists)
        delete_post_meta($object_id, '_goals-won');

    Now to retrieve the posts where _goals-won exists, simply run a meta query:

    $args = (
      'posts_per_page' => -1,
      'meta_query' => array( array('meta_key'=>'_goals-won') )
    $won_posts = get_posts($args);


    After some works on GhostToast answer I can give you also the right SQL query to get the same result.

    global $wpdb;
    $won_posts = $wpdb->get_results( "
        SELECT $wpdb->posts.* 
            FROM $wpdb->posts
        INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS mt1 ON ( $wpdb->posts.ID = mt1.post_id )
        INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS mt2 ON ( $wpdb->posts.ID = mt2.post_id )
        WHERE mt1.meta_key = 'goals-made' 
            AND ( 
                mt2.meta_key = 'goals-against'
                AND CAST( mt1.meta_value AS UNSIGNED ) > CAST( mt2.meta_value AS UNSIGNED )
        GROUP BY $wpdb->posts.ID
    " );

    Side note:

    If someone write the SQL statement that handle your request, sure that SQL statement will be less performant then the simplest meta query like the first posted.

  3. Hope I didn’t understand the question wrong 🙂

    $results = new WP_Query( array(
        'post_type'  => 'matches',
        'meta_query' => array(
                'key'     => 'goals-made',
                'value'   => (int) get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'goals-against',  true ),
                'type'    => 'INT',
                'compare' => ">",
    ) );
    if ( $results->have_posts() )
        while ( $results->have_posts() )
            var_dump( $GLOBALS['post'] );

    As we don’t know from where you’re doing this query, simply replace get_the_ID() inside get_post_meta() with the retrieved ID of the posts you want to compare against.

  4. Maybe I don’t understand the question either, because the answer is obvious to me. I assume this is for one post, so you’d have 2 custom fields, foo and bar.

    So in code…

    $foo = get_field('foo');
    $bar = get_field('bar');
    if ($foo > $bar) {
        echo 'foo is greater than bar';
    } else {
        echo 'bar is greater than foo';

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