Combining wordpress themes

Is there any way to combine two WordPress themes without using a plug-in that renders pages in different themes, and if there is, what is the most efficient way to do so? Is it as simple as copying and pasting one theme’s function.php (and other files) into the first theme? Do I make a child theme?

I’m trying to build a database for clean energy initiatives across the globe, and like the map functionality of one the themes I’ve purchased. However, once you go pass the map, the theme is not very user-friendly and cannot hold a lot of information. This is where the second theme comes in. I want to keep both the functionalities of both themes if possible.

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  1. If you are only using “a feature” of one theme, you may be better off taking your “standard” theme (the one you’d like to use throughout) and then taking the functionality from the “one-off” theme and adding it onto the former.

    This goes in-part with the fundamental idea of not adding such functionality to a theme – it would be better suited for a plugin instead. That way, it’s portable. Right now, you’re facing a dilemma which could have been rectified by making that functionality portable.

    I’d go back to the developer to ask them what’s involved in making it into a plugin (it’s not just going to be copy/paste).