What is the path to the 3.5 colorpicker stylesheet?
wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' );
I am trying to enqueue the color picker from a child theme but it does not load.
I have added an admin metabox that shows when editing pages and posts and one of the options in the metabox is a color choice. I have the colorpicker script loading but the button does not bring up the picker because I am not loading the stylesheet.
When I firebug the colorpicker and switch from display: none it shows.
It looks like this is the stylesheet that loads: load-style.php. However, I took the css from this file and pasted it into my child theme style but the color picker does not work.
It looks like the style is loading but nothing happens when the click on the color picker. The default color loads in the picker, etc.
I think the javascript is not working. When you click on the picker the ‘wp-picker-open’ class is not added to the <input>
function wp_enqueue_color_picker() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker-script', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'/include/javascript/custom-scripts.js', array( 'wp-color-picker' ), false, true );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_enqueue_color_picker' );
<input type="text" value="#cc9999" class="color-picker" data-default-color="#009999" />