Code not looping over all products of a given category

I try to fetch all products for a given category managed by the wp e-commerce plugin, but the code I use is not looping all the products returned. All the code is a sort of API to look for products and return them later to an extern application with JSON.

First , this is all the code I use:

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$catid = $_REQUEST['catid'];//get the category id from the url
$term1 = get_term($catid,'wpsc_product_category');
echo '----------------------------'.'<br />';
echo $term1->slug .'<br />';
echo $term1->term_id.'<br />';
echo $term1->parent.'<br />';
echo '----------------------------'.'<br />';
function getdetails($id,$tid,$host,$cid)
     $wpec_product_categories = get_terms( 'wpsc_product_category', 'hide_empty=0&slug='.$id);
    echo '-------this is a stack of the product category array--------<br />';
    var_dump($wpec_product_categories).'<br />';
    echo '-------------------------------------------<br />';

    if($wpec_product_categories[0]->count != 0)

    echo 'count is '.$wpec_product_categories[0]->count.'<br />';//here the correct number of products. So, so far all is going good.
     foreach($wpec_product_categories as $wpec_categories){
           $wpec_term_id = $wpec_categories->term_id;
            $wpec_term_name = $wpec_categories->name;
            $wpec_term_slug = $wpec_categories->slug;
            $wpec_term_parent = $wpec_categories->parent;
            echo '<br />--------------------<br />';
            echo  $wpec_term_name.'<br />';
            echo  $wpec_term_slug.'<br />';
            echo  $wpec_term_parent.'<br />';
            echo '<br />--------------------<br />';

                                    $wpec_args = array(
                                   'post_status' => 'publish',
                                   'post_type'   => 'wpsc-product',
                                   'wpsc_product_category' => $wpec_term_slug
                                  $wpec_categoryProducts = new WP_Query($wpec_args);

        while ($wpec_categoryProducts->have_posts()) : $wpec_categoryProducts->the_post();
             echo '<br />---------------------||||||--------------------<br />';
             echo 'Content:'.$wpec_categoryProducts->the_post().'<br />';   
             echo '<br />---------------------||||||--------------------<br />';

             echo 'Product wholesale price: '.wpsc_the_product_price().'<br />';

           $selthumb ="SELECT p.*, pm.* FROM wp_posts as p, wp_postmeta as pm WHERE  pm.meta_key = '_thumbnail_id' AND pm.meta_value = p.ID AND p.post_parent = '".wpsc_the_product_id()."' AND p.post_type = 'attachment'";
         $resthumb = mysql_query($selthumb);
         $rowthumb = mysql_fetch_array($resthumb);
          $img = stripslashes($rowthumb['guid']) ;
              if($img != '')
                  $path =  $img;
                  $selimg = "SELECT * FROM wp_wpsc_meta WHERE meta_key = 'image' AND object_id = ".$tid;
                  $resimg = mysql_query($selimg);
                  $rowimg = mysql_fetch_array($resimg);
                  if($rowimg != '')
                      $path = "http://".stripcslashes($host."/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/category_images/".$rowimg['meta_value']);

                       $selimg = "SELECT * FROM wp_wpsc_meta WHERE meta_key = 'image' AND object_id = ".$cid;
                       $resimg = mysql_query($selimg);
                        $rowimg = mysql_fetch_array($resimg);
                        if($rowimg != '')
                            $path = "http://".stripcslashes($host."/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/category_images/".$rowimg['meta_value']);
                             $selpimg = "SELECT tx.*,m.* FROM wp_term_taxonomy tx,wp_wpsc_meta m WHERE tx.term_id = '".$cid."' AND m.meta_key = 'image' AND m.object_id = tx.parent";
                            $respimg = mysql_query($selpimg);
                            $rowpimg = mysql_fetch_array($respimg);
                            if($rowpimg != '')
                                $path = "http://".stripcslashes($host."/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/category_images/".$rowpimg['meta_value']);
                                $path= "false";

              $selcolor = "SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id = '".wpsc_the_product_id()."' AND meta_key = '_wpsc_color'";
              $rescolor = mysql_query($selcolor);
              $rowcolor = mysql_fetch_array($rescolor);

              $selsize = "SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id = '".wpsc_the_product_id()."' AND meta_key = '_wpsc_size'";
              $ressize = mysql_query($selsize);
              $rowsize = mysql_fetch_array($ressize);

              $selprice = "SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id = '".wpsc_the_product_id()."' AND meta_key = '_wpsc_special_price'";
              $resprice = mysql_query($selprice);
              $rowprice = mysql_fetch_array($resprice);

              $selmanu = "SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id = '".wpsc_the_product_id()."' AND meta_key = '_wpsc_manufacturer'";
              $resmanu = mysql_query($selmanu);
              $rowmenu = mysql_fetch_array($resmanu);

              $product_data = get_post_custom( wpsc_the_product_id() );
              $product_data['meta'] = maybe_unserialize( $product_data );

              $image = stripslashes(sb_get_images_for_product( wpsc_the_product_id() ));

              $list = explode(",",$image);

             $arr[] = array("Product ID" => wpsc_the_product_id(),"Product Title" => wpsc_the_product_title(), "Product Description" => wpsc_the_product_description(), "Product Wholesale Price" => wpsc_the_product_price(), "Product Sale Price" => '$'.$rowprice['meta_value'], "Category Id" => $wpec_term_id,"Category Name" => $wpec_term_name,"Product Image" => $path, "Product Sub Images" => $list , "SKU" => wpsc_product_sku(), "Quantity" => $product_data['meta']['_wpsc_stock'][0], "Size" => $rowsize['meta_value'], "Color" => $rowcolor['meta_value'], "Manufacturer" => $rowmenu['meta_value'] );


I don’t understand why foreach and while loop are not looping all the products. They are looping only the first 7-10 items, although when I check the returned number of products, it’s around 60 items. My questions is, how to fix my code to loop over all the products? please help, and thanx in advance.

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