I’m trying to save the contents of an entire WordPress site using python and without ftp / server access. In other words, I want to save a “complete copy, or closest possible” of the WordPress site to disk and I can’t download everything from ftp / server.
I’ve found some options to iterate through the various pages that make up the site, but nothing that will “save the site as a whole.”
If you really want to use Python and nothing else, you could use wpull, which is a wget clone written in Python. They have an example for archiving/downloading an entire website in their docs.
Not using python (although I’m sure you could hack up something — or possibly find something on pypi), but why not just use wget. Something like:
Of course if you REALLY want to do it in python, you could:
If you can, and you should, mantain all WordPress modeling tables, you might want to use a WordPress feature (also plugin) called Migrate…You might have it, so, if you can go to your Administration Panel (aka /wp-admin) you can loggin and use
This way, you will get a XML that you can use to import to your python project. There are also some plugins that export a full .sql file
Remember, all content is basically into the MySQL tables, so that all you need there