Checkboxes not working PHP

I have a problem in the WP-Pro-Quiz plugin for WordPress. There are “Single Answer Options” that are visible, but not selectable. I need these options, I was thinking I might be able to get the checkboxes to function and in turn get the result I need in my quiz.

What is causing these checkboxes to be “Greyed Out”?

private function singleChoiceOptions($data)
    $single = $data[0];
    <div class="postbox" id="singleChoiceOptions">
        <h3 class="hndle"><?php _e('Single choice options', 'wp-pro-quiz'); ?></h3>

        <div class="inside">
            <p class="description">
                <?php _e('If "Different points for each answer" is activated, you can activate a special mode.<br> This changes the calculation of the points',
                    'wp-pro-quiz'); ?>
                <input type="checkbox" name="answerPointsDiffModusActivated"
                       value="1" <?php $this->checked($this->question->isAnswerPointsDiffModusActivated()); ?>>
                <?php _e('Different points - modus 2 activate', 'wp-pro-quiz'); ?>

            <p class="description">
                <?php _e('Disables the distinction between correct and incorrect.', 'wp-pro-quiz'); ?><br>
                <input type="checkbox" name="disableCorrect" 
                       value="1" <?php $this->checked($this->question->isDisableCorrect()); ?>>
                <?php _e('Disable correct and incorrect.', 'wp-pro-quiz'); ?>

            <div style="padding-top: 20px;">
                <a href="#" id="clickPointDia"><?php _e('Explanation of points calculation', 'wp-pro-quiz'); ?></a>
                <?php $this->answerPointDia(); ?>


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  1. The are gray because the are disabled by disabled="enabled", even if the value is enabled, the input gets disabled, any value will disable the input, in fact, you can just put disable and it will be disabled, latest browers just read disabled and disable the input. remove disabled="enabled" and the input will be enabled.

  2. I figured it out, the name values weren’t matching the $this value, capital letters. Plugin author must’ve missed it. Hopefully the function works.

            <div class="inside">
                <p class="description">
                    <?php _e('If "Different points for each answer" is activated, you can activate a special mode.<br> This changes the calculation of the points',
                        'wp-pro-quiz'); ?>
                    <input type="checkbox" name="AnswerPointsDiffModusActivated" value="1" <?php $this->checked($this->question->isAnswerPointsDiffModusActivated()); ?>> 
                    <?php _e('Different points - modus 2 activate', 'wp-pro-quiz'); ?>
                <p class="description">
                    <?php _e('Disables the distinction between correct and incorrect.', 'wp-pro-quiz'); ?><br>
                    <input type="checkbox" name="DisableCorrect" 
                    value="1" <?php $this->checked($this->question->isDisableCorrect()); ?>>
                    <?php _e('Do not show correct and incorrect.', 'wp-pro-quiz'); ?>
                <div style="padding-top: 20px;">
                    <a href="#" id="clickPointDia"><?php _e('Explanation of points calculation', 'wp-pro-quiz'); ?></a>
                    <?php $this->answerPointDia(); ?>

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