Hello I’m working on a wordpress site and I currently have a popup set to display if an arrtibute in the shortcode is set to “popup=”register”)… I added another lightbox that I want to display if the attribute is set to “popup=”apply”)
My question is how to add another variable to the following function.. would I need an if statement? Im new to php, any advice is greatly appreciated.. Thanks!!!!
function oxy_shortcode_button_fancy($atts , $content = '' ) {
// setup options
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'button_swatch' => 'swatch-coral',
'button_animation' => '',
'size' => 'default',
'xclass' => '',
'link' => '',
'label' => 'My button',
'icon' => '',
'link_open' => '_self',
'popup' => ''
), $atts ) );
$popup = ('register' == $popup) ? ' onclick="jQuery('#registerid, .overlayLogin').show();"' : '';
$animation = ( $button_animation != "") ? ' data-animation="'.$button_animation.'"' :"";
return '<a'.$popup.' href="'. $link .'" class="btn '. $size.' btn-icon-right '. $xclass . ' '. $button_swatch .'" target="' . $link_open . '"> '. $label . '<span><i class="'.$icon.'" '.$animation.'></i></span></a>';
What i’m looking to add is:
$popup = ('apply' == $popup) ? ' onclick="jQuery('#applyid, .overlayLogin').show();"' : '';
Try using this codes..Hope it helps you