I’m checking if the next post is available in the same category. If it is, output the link. If it’s not, output a static text. I have created a function for this:
function thelink() {
$next_link = next_post_link('%link', 'Next →', TRUE);
echo $next_link;
} else{
echo 'Next →';
Then, I list it as follows:
echo '<ul>';
echo '<li>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
The problem is, the output includes both the link AND the static text. It does check for the posts though. Here’s what happens:
If this is NOT the last post, the output is as following, rendering the Next twice. Once with the link, followed by static text:
<li><a href="urlofthenextpage" rel="next">Next â</a>Next â</li>
If this is the last post, the output is just static text:
<li>Next â</li>
I realize that the problem seems to be in the loop. But I’m out of ideas on how to get this working. Help is VERY much appreciated.
The problem is that
actually prints the link.If you want to do this as described above, you could use output buffering: