Changing the title of WordPress Tag Pages

I wish to change the title of Tags pages of my wordpress blog. What I want to do is to keep the Tag name as it’s title only.

For example: If a tag name is “WordPress Tag Pages Tutorial” then that tag should have the same title “WordPress Tag Pages Tutorial” instead of “Blog Name – WordPress Tag Pages Tutorial” so what to change in this code? I have tried but showing errors like only variables name in wordpress title.

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<?php if (is_home () ) { bloginfo('name'); }elseif ( is_category() ) {
single_cat_title(); echo ' - ' ; bloginfo('name'); }
elseif (is_single() ) { single_post_title();}
elseif (is_page() ) { bloginfo('name'); echo ': '; single_post_title();}
else { wp_title('',true); } ?>

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  1. If there are any SEO plugins installed in the site, it will override the ‘wp_title’ function. So you can manage the title string in that plugin settings.

    If there are no such plugins, you can use following code:

        add_filter('wp_title', 'hs_tag_titles',10);
    function hs_tag_titles($orig_title) {
        global $post;
        $tag_title = 'Test Title';
        if ( is_tag() ) {
            return $tag_title;
        } else {
            return $orig_title;