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  1. As far as i know you cannot rename wp-admin. Many themes and plugin uses wp-admin in path. So if you rename it then all your plugins and themes will be broken. If you don’t want your users to access wp-admin then restrict it using .htacess If anyone access your wp-admin url redirect them to other page using .htaccess file. Only allow certain IPs to access wp-admin.

    For example use this .htaccess code in your root of wp-admin (Not your wordpress root).
    Create a new .htaccess file there and use this code.

    AuthUserFile /dev/null
    AuthGroupFile /dev/null
    AuthName "Example Access Control"
    AuthType Basic
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    allow from xx.xx.xx.xx
    allow from xx.xx.xxx.xx

    Replace xx.xx.xx.xx with your IP address. You can add more. Thereafter only you can access wp-admin. You can also use redirection plugin.

    If you must want to rename wp-admin then proceed to read more but with extreme caution.

    Just replace “wp-admin” with your keyword. Use this simple search and replace tool.
    Here is the screenshot of that tool.

    Warning: If you update your wordpress then your site will be broken. You should replace them in themes and plugins too. I highly NOT recommend this option. Use this option only if its mandatory. I’m not responsible for any problem that arises if you use this option.