Change HTML language from en-US in to en-GB in WordPress?

This may sound like a simple and trivial question, but I’m using the following tag in a WordPress theme header file:

<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>

Which is outputting:

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<html dir="ltr" lang="en-US">

I wish to change the lang attribute to “en-GB” as my blog and the language posts are written in are British English (en-GB) but I can’t find where this parameter is set in the WordPress admin settings, and there isn’t a value for it in the wp_options database table either, which leaves me to believe setting the lang value must be some sort of dark art?

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  1. As for recent version of WordPress 4+ this option

    define ('WPLANG', 'en-GB');

    is deprecated, to update the language you need to follow either one of the following methods:

    Method 1

    Inside the wp-config.php put the following line:


    Method 2 (recommended)

    In database, XY_options table to and set an option of WPLAN to en_GB (where XY is the table prefix for your wordpress installation)

    exemple queries:


    INSERT INTO `XY_options` (`option_id`, `option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`) VALUES (NULL, 'WPLANG', 'en_GB', 'yes');


    UPDATE `XY_options` SET `option_value` = 'en_GB' WHERE `option_name` = 'WPLANG';
  2. A bit late in the discussion here. I had the same need today and found that there is a plugin available for that: CHL-Change HTML Lang. The language of the backend/admin interface can be in one language while the posts/articles/portfolios can be set in another language. After activating the plugin hit Settings→General and change the HTML language tag, i.e., en-US, etc.