Change email for update notification

I’ve recently got the email with the update notification.

[] Your site has updated to WordPress 3.8.1

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Howdy! Your site at has been updated automatically to WordPress 3.8.1. [...]

I want to change the email where this notification goes. I seems that it’s not connected with any user.

I’ve searched all the backend and I can’t seem to find the required setting.

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  1. The setting you are looking for is found in “Settings”=>”General”=>”E-Mail Adress”.

    All the Emails WordPress or Plugins send out are sent to the admin_mail, which is returned by get_option( 'admin_mail' ), and this Emailadress is not always connected to a user.

    If you first install WordPress, the first user created gets the role administrator, and the same Emailadress is used for this setting, but can be changed afterwards.

    This actually makes a lot of sense, as a site could have a few administrators (or none, to be picky). Not everybody needs to get this information, as well as someone should get it, even if a site does not have an administrator registered in the database.

    This is the reason for the two distinctive fields/settings.

  2. You can use auto_core_update_email filter to change the default admin email.

    add_filter( 'auto_core_update_email', function($email){
      $email['to'] = ''; // Override email address
      return $email;  

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