Can’t Empty Spam Comments in WordPress

Does anybody know why I would be redirected to home page when I press the “Empty Spam” button in WordPress Admin Panel?

The same thing happens if I mark multiple spam comments and delete them. The system will redirect me to the home page, and the supposedly deleted comments will not be removed.

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I deleted all core files and re-added again, deactivated all plugins, and even changed my theme to the WordPress default. None of these actions helped.

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  1. Try checking .htaccess for strange stuff – like redirects other than the standard WordPress redirect block – and try resaving permalinks from Dashboard >> Permalinks.

    In case you have thousands of spam comments and WordPress might be timing out, you can use this query in Adminer « WordPress Plugins to delete all spam and trashed comments.

    DELETE FROM wp_comments where comment_approved='spam' OR comment_approved='trash'