I have the following code in my function.php
function custom_post_type(){
$labels = array(
'name'=> 'Sports',
'add_new'=>'Add Item',
'all_item'=>'All Item',
'add_new_item'=>'Add Item',
'edit_item'=>'Edit Item',
'new_item'=>'New Item',
'view_item'=>'View Item',
'search_item'=>'Search Sport',
'not_found'=>'No item found',
'not_found_in_trash'=>'No items found in trash',
'parent_item_colon'=>'Parent Item',
$args= array(
Is this code correct?
I dont know why I cannot add a custom post type to my wordpress. This should work but it didn’t.
Is there any place should i go and change?
Which wordpress version are you using?
Because it’s perfectly working in wordpress 4.5.0 & 4.5.1.
So, Update your wordpress Or active another theme and try for it. may be some issue with your wordpress version or theme.