I am new to WordPress. i recently made my own html website and converted it to WordPress. It is working fine in WordPress. But have one problem and that is I can not change the content of the website through WordPress. Maybe it is because i coded html in the index.php of my theme, but i am not sure whether that has any effect.
Right now my theme has the following files:
Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated.
Dont hard code the all your html in your index.php instead create templates using WP loop and then create your pages in WordPress Admin using these templates. For example if you are using Twenty Fifteen WordPress theme, Your main template can be similar to this:
Then create a Front Page: In Pages choose Add New Page. Title it “Home”. Put your html dynamic contents in the content area. Choose the template Front_Page that you created earlier (From right side bar). See the WP codex link for more details: WordPress Static Front Page Process
Now to change the content of the page you will just have to edit the pages in WP admin panel. Hope this helps.
Edit 1: You can enqueue your style sheets and Js files either in your header file as you do traditionally or through function.php of the theme. See Including CSS & JavaScript and wp_enqueue_style for info.
Edit 2: Yes better use an existing theme and customize it or make a child theme of your own using the existing theme WP Child Theme