Blogger: how to link comments to my non-blogger website?

I host my own WordPress website on my own domain, but most of my peers have Blogger sites.

When they comment on each others sites, their comments appear alongside their name, avatar, and link back to their blog, (because they are also Blogger users). But when I try to post a comment, (with any of the allowed Authentication methods), I get an “unknown” avatar, and cannot get my non-Blogger URL to appear.

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The allowed Authentication methods are:

  • Google Account
  • LiveJournal
  • WordPress
  • TypePad
  • AIM
  • OpenID

I can setup an account with any of these services, but when I post a comment it links it back to my profile on each of these services, not to my own domain / website. I have also tried setting up OpenID delegation using my website to Google+, but this only allows me to sign in using my domain, it still posts linking my Google+ profile rather than my site.

I have spent the best part of a day researching this, and I can’t find an answer.

How do I comment on Blogger hosted sites, using my non-Blogger domain and avatar as my ID?

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