Best way to handle redirects

I have number of pages that have had the urls changed, how can I setup a list of old urls and set the new urls they should point to?


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  1. Try these plugins:

    quick-pagepost-redirect-plugin (set redirects manually)

    Permalink Finder (finds missing pages and redirects to most likely candidate)

    I use them together and they work great. I used to use the “Page Links To” plugin as mentioned above, which works ok but with the quick-pagepost-redirect-plugin plugin you can create redirects all from one screen and you don’t have to create unneccessary pages.

  2. or if you’d like a non-plugin solution, the synta your .htaccess file is (for a 301 permanent redirect):

    RedirectPermanent /path/to/old-url /the-path/to/the-new-url