I want to append some WP posts to the normal search function but when I run the wp_get_recent_posts function (with the append and the posts IDs in an array) I dont get the posts I wanted to append in the results, am I doing something wrong?
$include = array(1, 2);
$args = array(
'showposts' => 10,
'tag_id' => '123',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'exclude' => $current_id,
'orderby' => 'post_date',
'append' => $include,
$entries = wp_get_recent_posts($args, 'ARRAY_A');
If I remove the tag_id argument then the posts I want to append are included in the results, seems that WP also filters the appended posts with the other arguments, is there any workaround?