Amazon Widget Firefox Overlap Issue

I have a wordpress powered website,

In the sidebar on the right of my site, the Amazon search widget doesn’t display text and images and overlaps the two. I’ve tried playing around with various different options and sizes on Amazon, but everytime I use images they seem to overlap no matter what options I set.

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Does anyone know how I might solve this? This only happens in Firefox and displays fine in Chrome.

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  1. Use this script..I have edited the script according to your website….

    <SCRIPT charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src=""> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT><A HREF=""> Widgets</A></NOSCRIPT>
  2. Add width:40px; in the inline in every image tag instead of using image-width property.. that will fix the problem

      <img src="" style="border: medium none; margin: 0px; text-decoration: none; width: 40px;" height="53" width="40">

    This is the snapshot taken in firefoxenter image description here