Ajax post is working fine before I integrate wordpress in my project. After the wordpress integration its shows a 404 error
. But when try to debug using firebug we can see that the response is correct.
WordPress integration code,
require "..".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ."public". DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'blog'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-blog-header.php';
Ajax code,
var token = "{{csrf_token()}}";
method: "POST",
url: "{{URL::to('ajax/country/load_cities')}}",
data: { '_token':token, 'country_id': 12 }
}).done(function(data) {
Controller function,
public function loadCountryCities(){
echo "response";
Route::post('ajax/country/load_cities', array('as' => 'countryloadcities','uses' => 'CitiesController@loadCountryCities'));
The code working fine when remove the require statement. How can we make works the post response too ?
You need to include wp-config.php instead of wp-blog-header.php.
wp-blog-header.php is used to include the WordPress Core + the post functionalities in order to display a template. Considering you don’t send a valid post url this is probably why it was breaking. Instead, wp-config.php is including the WP core only and can be used in any external file to work with WP functions.