Advanced custom fields – taxonomy terms images

I used the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to add a custom field to my taxonomy. That custom field is an image which is associated with the term. Now I have a page where I display a list of all terms (for example, car manufacturers):

$terms = get_terms("manufacturer_tax", array(
    'hide_empty' => 0
$count = count($terms);
if ( $count > 0 ){
    foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
        echo $term->name;
        echo "<img src='" . $term->manufacturer_logo . "'>"; /* NOT WORKING */

I wish to display the image associated with each term. How can I accomplish this?

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Here is the example result for one term:
stdClass Object ( [term_id] => 5 [name] => Honda [slug] => honda [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 5 [taxonomy] => manufacturer_tax [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 0 )

Looks like there is no image associated with this term. However, I can see the image in the backoffice.

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  1. OK had a go at this myself, I didn’t realise ACF was able to add fields to taxonomies which is really handy so I wanted to figure it out too.

                'hide_empty'        => 0,  
                'parent'        => 0,  
                'taxonomy'      => 'library_categories');  
                foreach($libcats as $lc){ 
                    $termlink = get_term_link( $lc->slug, 'library_categories' ); 
                <a class="single-library-cat" href="<?php echo $termlink; ?>">
                    <img src="<?php the_field('taxonomy_image', 'library_categories_'.$lc->term_id); ?>" />
                    <?php echo $lc->name; ?>
            <?php } ?>

    It’s in the docs here

    <?php the_field('taxonomy_image', 'library_categories_3'); ?>

    So just replace the field name with your field name and library_categories_ with the taxonomy name. That should do it!

  2. Can you print the result of a $term so we can see what’s stored?

    I have used this plugin instead

    and the code I’ve used to get the image for each taxonomy is:

                'hide_empty'        => 0,  
                'parent'        => 0,  
                'taxonomy'      => 'library_categories');  
                foreach($libcats as $lc){ 
                    $termlink = get_term_link( $lc->slug, 'library_categories' ); 
                    $thumb_url = get_option('taxonomy_image_plugin');
                    $thumb_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumb_url[$lc->term_taxonomy_id] );

    But let’s try to get it working with advanced custom fields first.