Advanced Custom Fields not saving at all now

I downloaded and installed Advanced Custom Fields 4.1.6 the other day and I used it a few times for some time and it worked perfectly, but for some reason now none of my custom fields seem to be saving and I’m not getting any errors or anything. I don’t think that I have done anything at all that could have possibly broken this.

Has this happened to anyone else? And what could possibly be the issue?

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  1. I think you might have to take a look at export function the plugin provides. Select a field group you created and hit export. It’ll generate some code which is pretty good commented with tips and advice. There might be some information there for good use for ‘ya.

    Example by the plugin developer:

    Include in theme

    The Advanced Custom Fields plugin can be included within a theme. To do so, move the ACF plugin inside your theme and add the following code to your functions.php file:


    To remove all visual interfaces from the ACF plugin, you can use a constant to enable lite mode. Add the following code to your functions.php file before the include_once code:

    define( 'ACF_LITE', true );

    Hope it helps.


  2. Since my rep isn’t high enough to reply to @Kortschot’s response, I’ll comment here.

    I got this error while testing a new theme. It appears the theme has ACF bundled into the theme, which triggers the “Cannot redeclare acf_filter_post_id()” error. For obvious reasons (you can’t run two instances of the plugin in the same install). @Kortschot’s reference to including ACF in a theme helped solve my problem.

    Now I have to figure out how to access ACF if I want to customize fields on pages/posts…

  3. I’m gonna go ahead and reply to this old question in hopes that it helps someone out. I have been having this problem where my fields would not update on my custom posts. I usually have multiple tabs open to make navigation easier in the backend of WP. It turns out that when I closed all other tabs except the current one I’m editing, the fields update every time!

  4. I have same problem with Advanced custom fields plugin , i resolve my issue by adding one line code in advanced-custom-fields/core/controllers/post.php

    add_action('pre_post_update', array($this, 'save_post'));


    add_action('save_post',array($this, 'save_post'), 10, 1);

    line number 33, 34.