I’m trying to insert this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
some Javascript codes comes here
to WordPress’ <head></head>
section in front end and in admin panel
E.g., Joomla! 1.6 has an API that allows this:
$doc =& JFactory::getDocument();
I need to add different things for different pages. For example:
Page 1
I need to add
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="feed title" href="feed url" />
For a few pages
Page 2
I need to add
<script type="text/javascript" src="" . LIVE_SITE .
<script type="text/javascript">
var ajax = new sack();
var currentClientID=false;
function getClientData()
var clientId = document.getElementById('db_country_id').value.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');
ajax.requestFile = '" .BASE_PATH . "/wp-content/plugins/jobs/com_jobs_admin/tasks/get_location_data.php?task=get_location_data&name=db_parent_id&getClientId='+clientId; // Specifying which file to get
ajax.onCompletion = showClientData; // Specify function that will be executed after file has been found
ajax.runAJAX(); // Execute AJAX function
function showClientData()
clearJS = ajax.response;
var strTagStrippedText = clearJS.replace(/(<s*/?s*)div(s*([^>]*)?s*>)/gi ,'');
document.getElementById('locationsDiv').innerHTML=strTagStrippedText ;
function initFormEvents()
if (document.getElementById('db_country_id')){
document.getElementById('db_country_id').onchange = getClientData;
window.onload = initFormEvents;
for a few pages
Page 3
I need to add
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/jobs/lknlibrary/js/tabs/tab.webfx.css" />
for a few pages
I have 70+ pages in admin panel like those above.
Trying to manage the header of the WordPress with the example is a bit difficult.
In your theme’s
:For anyone else who comes here looking, I’m afraid I’m with @usama sulaiman here.
Using the enqueue function provides a safe way to load style sheets and scripts according to the script dependencies and is WordPress’ recommended method of achieving what the original poster was trying to achieve. Just think of all the plugins trying to load their own copy of jQuery for instance; you better hope they’re using enqueue :D.
Also, wherever possible create a plugin; as adding custom code to your functions file can be pita if you don’t have a back-up and you upgrade your theme and overwrite your functions file in the process.
Having a plugin handle this and other custom functions also means you can switch them off if you think their code is clashing with some other plugin or functionality.
Something along the following in a plugin file is what you are looking for:
Structure your folders as follows:
Then zip it up and upload it to your WordPress installation using your add plugins interface, activate it and Bob’s your uncle.
Elaborating on the previous answer, you can gather all the required snippets before outputting the header, and only then use an action hook to inject all you need on the head.
In your functions.php file, add
And then in your page or template, use it like
I made it for javascript because it’s the most common use, but it can be easily adapted to any tag in the head, and either with inline code or by passing a href/src to an external URL.
If you are ok using an external plugin to do that you can use Header and Footer Scripts plugin
From the description:
One way I like to use is Vanilla JavaScript with template literal: