Adding schema to meta <head>-tag: wordpress

I am trying to put this (below code) to my wordpress header but when i save and load site on browser it does not show up. I have seen this schema practice on some wordpress themes so it should work. Does anyone have advice? Is it some automatic wordpress function that changes this.

<head itemscope="" itemtype="">

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1 comment

  1. do it like this on your header.php

    <html <?php html_tag_schema(); ?> <?php language_attributes(); ?>>

    and you need to write the function html_tag_schema() now. write the below function on your active theme’s functions.php

    function html_tag_schema()
    $schema = '';
    // Is single post
        $type = "Article";
    // Contact form page ID
    else if( is_page(1) )
        $type = 'ContactPage';
    // Is author page
    elseif( is_author() )
        $type = 'ProfilePage';
    // Is search results page
    elseif( is_search() )
        $type = 'SearchResultsPage';
    // Is of movie post type
        $type = 'Movie';
    // Is of book post type
        $type = 'Book';
        $type = 'WebPage';
    echo 'itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="' . $schema . $type . '"';

    I hope this one solves your problem

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