Adding jquery and thickbox to WordPress theme

I would like to add thickbox for the template which I develop to WordPress. At this time I’m trying with a clean template that have only header.php, footer.php,index.php, and functions.php.

I’ve included the <?php wp_head(); ?> into header.php and the <?php wp_footer(); ?> into footer.php.

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I’ve included the wp_head like this:


I’ve changed the gallery link classes to thickbox with this code in functions.php

<?php add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_link', 'sant_prettyadd');

function sant_prettyadd ($content) {
    $content = preg_replace("/<a/","<a class="thickbox[slides]"",$content,1);
    return $content;

When I’m clicking on to a gallery image it should open with thickbox but it opens the imagefile only.

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  1. All you need to do is a simple call in your functions.php:

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_thickbox' );

    That’s it. WordPress will now enqueue jQuery and the thickbox script. By default, linked images aren’t thickboxy yet. You need to:

    1. Add a class thickbox to the links manually/per PHP, or
    2. Use a second script to add these classes automagically.

    Sample code for footer.php:

    jQuery('a img.size-medium').parent().addClass('thickbox').attr('rel', 'page');

    This code adds the class thickbox to all links around medium sized images, and it groups these links to enable the next/prev navigation links.

    Now you get a basic thickbox with translated navigation links:

    enter image description here

    Since this is a script managed by the core it is not keyboard user friendly: The arrow keys don’t do anything. If you need a more usable solution – take a plugin.

    Another note: Thickbox may be removed sooner or later from the core. See Ticket 10955.

  2. Hi can any one help me to resolve my problem::

    Here it my code

    <a href="'. site_url("wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=user_avatar_add_photo&step=1&uid="). $myUID . '&TB_iframe=true&width=720&height=450" title="Upload and Crop an Image to be Displayed" >' . ( 'Update Picture','wp-members' ) . '</a>

    this piece of code i’m trying to use in Wp-admin profile it is working fine but.. there is a problem… i.e while I try to chance the user avatar from front end TB_ifram is not popping up… it is spreading to whole webpage…

    here it’s image: enter image description here
    here i need to popup the TB_Ifram content frame from the front end… plz give me suggestion that would be great to you..
