Adding help information to custom post edit page

I have two custom post types created (using Types plugin) with a bunch of custom fields.

I need to add a help information, instructions for admins that will show at the top of add new/edit CPT page of dashboard.

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How can I add a text visible only on those two pages (add/edit post type 1 and add/edit post type 2)?

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  1. Try this:

    function options_instructions_example() {
        global $my_admin_page;
        $screen = get_current_screen();
        if ( is_admin() && ($screen->id == 'custom_post_type_name') ) {
            function add_content_after_editor() {
                global $post;
                $id = $post->ID;
                echo '<div class="postbox" style="background:#0074a2;color:#fff;margin-top:20px;"><div class="inside">';
                echo 'Instructions go here.';
                echo '</div></div>';
            add_action( 'edit_form_after_title', 'add_content_after_editor' );
    add_action( 'admin_notices', 'options_instructions_example' );

    It will result in something that looks similar to this:

  2. You can also add meta boxes with the content, which help the users. This is more useful. The writers can hide this box and set their personal options to hide the hints from you, if is not necessary for the writers. To add the boxes to the different post type use the specific hooks: add_meta_boxes_xxx, xxx is for the post type 1 and post type 2.

    Small hint to identifier hooks use the plugin Debug Objects, list Hooks and screen info to find the right anchor.

    A screenshot say more, how I find the hook.
    enter image description here

  3. You can add the help text above the meta boxes in the Edit Screens easily when using a plugin like ACF or Types.

  4. Accomplish it by using edit_form_top hook. Code –

    add_action('edit_form_top', 'wpse128204_edit_form_top');
    function wpse128204_edit_form_top( $post )
        if( in_array( $post->post_type, array( 'post type 1', 'post type 2' ) ) ){
            // You want to do something here

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