adding a video / gallery icon next to post title in wordpress

I want to add a video icon / gallery icon next to title, which post contain video / photo gallery. Im on latest wordpress and making my own custom theme. Currently im using

<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>

for title. I was worked on another theme (not mine) before which have video icon on titles. The code i found in functions.php

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 function title_embed($title,$conts)
                $pattern ="/<object> ?.* </object>/isx";
                $return =preg_match($pattern, $conts,$result);
                    $return = $title.'<span class="video-icon"></span>';
                    return $return;
                else{return $title;}        

which makes a span class on titles on posts contains <object> and </object>. The title code was

 <a href="<?php echo $arraybox['link'][0];?>" title="<?php echo $arraybox['alt'][0];?>"><h2><?php echo $arraybox['title'][0];?></h2></a>

I’ve tried pasting the above code to my current theme’s functions.php but nothing happened. I think the problem may be the way I’m calling title. I’ve googled for a resource and wasted my 6-7 hours.

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  1. basically, your code looks for <object> </object> tags in the content and
    if found it appends the span whose class is video-icon to the title. This span will probably be styled as a video icon in css.

    Have you tried calling your function with $conts= the_content()