I am trying to change the color of the first word in the widget title in wordpress. I am using WP v.3.7.1 and a custom child theme that I created off of the twentythirteen theme.
I just need to wrap the first word in a and can style it from there. I tried to add the following code to the function.php but it only works for one of the three widgets that I have. I have tried other widgets and it doesn’t work either.
add_filter ('widget_title', 'wpzoom_fix_widgets');
function wpzoom_fix_widgets($old_title) {
$title = explode(" ", $old_title,2);
$titleNew = "<span>$title[0]</span> $title[1]";
return $titleNew;
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
Take a look at the first answer on WordPress Answsers, it looks close to what you are looking for:
Good luck 🙂