wondering if its possible to show the attachments admin list for videos by using a custom menu link?
Any pointers welcome! D.
add_action('admin_menu', 'mt_add_pages');
function mt_add_pages() {
add_menu_page('Directors & Showreels', 'Directors & Showreels', 'manage_options', 'dsv_menu', 'wps_theme_func',null,2);
$videos_page = add_submenu_page('dsv_menu', __('Videos','showreel_videos'), __('Videos','showreel_videos'), 'edit_posts', 'sub-page-videos', 'display_showreel_videos');
function display_showreel_videos(){ ?>
<div class="wrap"><h2>Videos</h2>
<!-- get attachments by mime type ? (upload.php?post_mime_type=video ??) -->
got this working with class TT_Example_List_Table extends WP_List_Table with help from links below… Looks fine but can’t get edit or delete delete links to work properly.
$media_query = new WP_Query(
'post_type' => 'attachment', // get attachments only
'post_status' => 'inherit', // attachments are not 'published', so set it to inherit
'posts_per_page' => -1, // display all
'post_mime_type' => 'video' // grab files with the mime type 'video'
$list = array();
foreach ($media_query->posts as $post) {
$list[] = array('thumbnail'=>'', 'ID'=>$post->ID,'title'=>$post->post_title);
//Create an instance of our package class...
$testListTable = new TT_Example_List_Table();
I asked a similar question and got this answer, to query the DB for attachments and dump them into a list. This was the code that was provided to me:
Hope this points you in the right direction. My question: Get All Images in Media Gallery?
EDIT: As far as displaying it in a table, I think you could truly benefit from digging through this code: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/custom-list-table-example/
It has a working example of using
in WordPress. I took one glance and knew it would be a good code to check out. 🙂